this book Mr. Autry combines forces with Stephen Mitchell, the bestselling
translator of the Tao Te Ching, to write the first book revealing how to
use the wisdom of this ancient text to understand the most valued and elusive
prize in business: power. Power is the most coveted reward- the power to
run a project, a department, or an entire company. Yet there has been little
written on the nature of this essential tool without which nothing is
accomplished. What exactly is power, and where does it come from? Does power
automatically come with authority? Does it come from your superiors, or do
you create it for yourself? And why is it so difficult to hang on to?
Power illustrates the paradox in winning at work: that power begins only
when we learn to let go of the illusion of control in order to empower others.
Real power recognizes that employees already have power in their skills,
their commitment to the job, and their passion for the work. Real power comes
from creating an environment in which that power can be expressed in order
to produce the best results for everyone.
book's advice for cultivating real power ranges from learning why helping
your competition (inside or outside the company) can be the biggest help
to yourself, to understanding why conventional displays of power are the
least effective ways to accomplish goals. Whether you're at the top of the
corporate ladder, the middle, or the bottom, this guide will help make your
work fulfilling on every level from financial to personal.
works by Mr. Mitchell include The Enlightened Mind: An Anthology of
Sacred Prose and The Enlighten Heart: An Anthology of Sacred
Poetry. |